Lime and Coconut Shampoo

As my search for the perfect natural shampoo and conditioner option continues, I have been trying a new shampoo recipe recently. The Castile Shampoo I have on my website for sale is a great start. It is green, clean, and gets your hair clean. Without all the chemical fillers, however, there is an adjustment period while your hair "detoxes." Most people do not make it that long. I have had several people purchase it, and they just can't get used to how it feels.

As I was saying, I am in the middle of testing a new recipe. I am working on a combination of Aloe, Coconut Milk, and Castile. The Coconut milk made a huge difference in the softness of my hair with just the first use. Right now, I am doing a two step process. I wash my hair every 2-3 days with the Coconut Milk Shampoo, and then rinse with an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse afterward. I find when I don't use the rinse, my hair can feel a little heavy. I am working on getting the concentration of coconut milk to a point where it is moisturizing, but not so heavy.

I have very high hopes for this formula, and just need to figure out some of the details. My hair feels just as soft as when I used to use expensive store brands, and even looks shiny. I am thinking about switching out my vinegar rinse for one with Lemon Juice to try and lighten my hair a bit. I have stopped using commercial hair color and my roots are getting unbearable!

I will keep you updated on the Shampoo process, and I hope to have a new and improved shampoo recipe up for sale very soon!


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